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Remedial Massage

主要是針對患者提供診斷的具體問題的特定治療的應用,並在經過醫療按摩治療師的全面評估/評估後進行管理,具體結果為治療。 它也被稱為臨床按摩或治療按摩。

Remedial massage is outcome-based massage, primarily the application of a specific treatment targeted to the specific problem(s) the patient presents with a diagnosis and are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by the medical massage therapist with specific outcomes being the basis for treatment. It is also known as clinical massage or treatment massage.




通過足底治療,在每次課程後感到放鬆和喚然一新。 結合傳統中式與現代澳式按摩技巧根據您的具體目標和需求量身定制課程。複合式的治療方法更有感覺。

With my Reflexology therapy, patients claim to feel relaxed and renewed after each session. I’m trained in psychological techniques, so I tailor your session to work on your specific goals and needs. I love showing my patients how just a few treatments can make an enormous difference to their health.


Trigger Point Therapy


Trigger Point Therapy is a healing technique based on the principle of free and uninterrupted energy flow and helps activate the natural healing processes in each patient's body as well as to restore their physical and emotional well-being. As a certified Massage Therapy Practitioner, I help patients reduce their stress and anxiety, among other ailments.

Pressure point massage 2
Hot Stone Massage


Hot Stone Massage


Use The energy from heat rock to effective in muscle relaxation.The heat in the stones is effective in enabling the muscles to loosen up and relax. This makes it easier for deep tissue manipulation. Improves health conditions. Such as Arthritis, Fibromylagia, Hypertension and musculoskeletal problems. Allows better sleep. Relieves pain.  Improves blood circulation and flow of energy. The stones are placed on key points of your body known as energy centres which are sometimes clogged or blocked. Allows for easy rehabilitation. Massage can facilitate easy recovery from injuries such as sprains. Releases toxins from your body. 


Basic Facial Treatment


A facial is a family of skin care treatments for the face, including steam, exfoliation, extraction, creams, lotions, facial masks, peels, and massage. They are normally performed in beauty salons, but are also a common spa treatment. They are used for general skin health as well as for specific skin conditions. Types of facials include European facial, LED light therapy facials, and mini-facials.



Cupping & Dry Needling

拔罐對皮膚和循環系統的解毒有顯著的效果 ,三到五次治療後皮膚顏色有明顯的改善。 拔罐可去除毒素並改善通過靜脈和動脈的血流量。 對運動員特別有用的是拔罐可以緩解肌肉痙攣。肌筋膜觸發點乾針療法,又稱西方醫學針灸,使用針灸針或中空皮下注射針直接治療肌肉疼痛,包括與肌筋膜疼痛綜合徵有關的疼痛。 不同於中式針炙的穴道酸麻脹痛,乾針療法只針對舒緩肌肉且針感較小,對害怕傳統針炙又想要有針炙效益的人是一大福音。

Cupping’s detoxifying effect on skin and circulatory system is also significant, with a visible improvement in skin color after three to five treatments. Cupping removes toxins and improves blood flow through the veins and arteries. Especially useful for athletes is cupping’s potential to relieve muscle spasms.
Dry needling, also known as myofascial trigger point dry needling, the use of either solid filiform needles (also referred to as acupuncture needles) or hollow-core hypodermic needles for therapy of muscle pain, including pain related to myofascial pain syndrome. Dry needling is sometimes also known as intramuscular stimulation (IMS). Acupuncture is a broad category of needling practices with solid filiform needles. Modern acupuncture notably includes both traditional and Western medical acupuncture; dry needling is arguably one subcategory of western medical acupuncture. That life places upon us. I’m trained in a variety of holistic techniques that will surely help to heal you both mentally and physically.

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